2019 | Interview by Brainard Carey for Praxis

Last year I spoke to Brainard Carey for Praxis Interview Magazine on wybcx Yale radio.

Hear the interview and read more about my practice here:


05.2018 | 5 das 7 | 5 of the 7 |

“Não nos deixem na memória”, elas pediram – “nem na memória mal-lembrada. Dêem-nos asas, força para contar a nossa história – para participar no futuro. Não existimos sem as nossas fraquezas – e não superamos nada sem estar cientes delas. Para que a nossa ausência seja só isso – um facto físico.” (E a outra chiava, “não somos uma mera nota de rodapé!”)

“Don’t leave us in memory”, they asked – “not even in badly remembered memories. Give us wings, strength to tell our story – to take part in the future. We do not exist without our weaknesses – and we cannot overcome anything without being aware of these. So that our absence is just that – a physical fact. ” (And the other one screamed, “we are not a mere footnote!”)

Café e carvão sobre papel Canson de 200gsm, 29.9 x 21.1 cm cada / Coffee and charcoal on 200gsm Canson paper, 29.9 x 21.1 cm each


A question for all artists and creatives – how important is the city and country you find yourself in in your process of creating?